0 Generel Information
242 The Archives
In the Archives you can indulge in several thousand documents on Thorvaldsen and his time. The Archives is a research and documentation centre on Bertel Thorvaldsen and his art. Search for more in the Archives.
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary for this document is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentThorvaldsen no longer takes his meals at the Butis. -
The Archives - DocumentA unanimous Goethe committee wants Thorvaldsen to execute a representation of J.W. Goethe for the city of Frankfurt am Main, with a possible location on an i... -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary for this letter is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary to this document is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary to this document is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentThorvaldsen is back in Rome and seems very content. -
The Archives - DocumentVon Kölle recommends the bearer of the letter, Wolfgang Menzel, to Thorvaldsen. -
The Archives - DocumentThorvaldsen has been appointed professor with a monthly pay of 25 Roman piastres. -
The Archives - DocumentRauch regrets that Thorvaldsen has not yet finished the statues of Cupid Holding a Butterfly to Hurt it with an Arrow and Adonis, cf. A53.