The Archives - DocumentLike Thorvaldsen, Rauch intends to have his portrait statue roughhewn by his assistants. He states the price of the volume with reproductions of Thorvaldsen’... -
The Lucerne Lion as a Pathos-filled Souvenir
The Archives - Related articleKort fortalt om Thorvaldsens Museums nyerhvervelse, G418. -
The Archives - DocumentRauch sends the promised engravings of Thorvaldsen’s reliefs through Count von Schulenburg-Witzenburg. Thorvaldsen is almost himself again and has joined Rau... -
Dannecker and Thorvaldsen
The Archives - Related articleThis is a re-publication of the article: Bjarne Jørnæs: ‘Dannecker and Thorvaldsen’, in: Meddelelser fra Thorvaldsens Museum (Communications from the Thorval... -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary to this article is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentRauch writes that Thorvaldsen has finished Cupid Holding a Butterfly to Hurt it with an Arrow and some reliefs commissioned by Prince Wilhelm Malte Putbus. -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary for this document is not available at the moment. -
Antagelig tidligst 1836
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary for this document is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentRauch thanks Caroline von Humboldt for having acted wisely in connection with Rauch’s possible involvement in the execution of Thorvaldsen’s equestrian statu... -
Angtagelig efter 1842
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary for this list is not available at the moment.