Report from the Thorvaldsens Museum, November 2003 to January 2008
The Archives - Related articleThis is a re-publication of the article: Bettina Weiland: Beretning for Thorvaldsens Museum fra november 2003 til januar 2008, in: Meddelelser fra Thorvaldse... -
December 1843
The Archives - DocumentThe script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 54th part of 60 in all. -
The Invisible and the Visible
The Archives - Related articleDenne artikel er et uddrag og genpublicering af artiklen af samme navn oprindelig udgivet i Magasin for Det Kongelige Bibliotek, nr. 4, 2017, p. 3-17. Nærvær... -
Report for Thorvaldsens Museum 1982-1988
The Archives - Related articleThis is a re-publication of the article in Danish: Anne Friis Jespersen: ‘Beretning 1982-1988’, in: Meddelelser fra Thorvaldsens Museum (Communications from ... -
Juli-august 1839
The Archives - DocumentThe script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 5th part of 60 in all. -
The Facade Paintings of Thorvaldsens Museum
The Archives - Related articleDette er en genudgivelse af artiklen: Axel Ravn: ‘Thorvaldsens Museums Facadebilleder’, in: Meddelelser fra Thorvaldsens Museum, 1931, p. 59-71.Se den oprind... -
Antagelig marts 1797
The Archives - DocumentA sheet with several fragments in Danish, German and Italian. First two drafts of a letter in Italian addressed to an unknown recipient; then two drafts in D... -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary for this document is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary for this document is not available at the moment. -
Lund, J.L.
The Archives - Biography