The Archives - DocumentThe commentary to this document is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary to this document is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary for this document is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary for this document is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentThe chairman of the Association, Georg von Reinbeck, reports that the bas-reliefs for the Schiller Monument have been successfully cast in bronze in Munich. ... -
Antagelig efter 1820
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary for this letter is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - VærkproduktionThe completion of the bronze casting of Friedrich Schiller, cf. A770, is celebrated in Munich with a big party for bronze casters and artists in the city. Th... -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary to this document is not available at the moment. -
The Archives - DocumentThe commentary to this document is not available at the moment. -
Why Are There Portrait Busts at Thorvaldsens Museum?
The Archives - Related articleThis is a re-publication of the article ‘Why Are There Portrait Busts at Thorvaldsens Museum?’, in: Jane Fejfer & Kristine Bøggild Johannsen (eds.)...