Thorvaldsen lost his son. In drawings and letters, you can find more information about the sculptor's family.

Cupid complains to Venus about a bee sting
Around this drawing of Cupid and Venus, Thorvaldsen has written the names of his Italian girlfriend and their common son.
Read more about the motif of the drawing
Around this drawing of Cupid and Venus, Thorvaldsen has written the names of his Italian girlfriend and their common son.
Read more about the motif of the drawing

From Thorvaldsen to Herman Schubart
Thorvaldsen's son Carlo dies in 1811 – only 5 years old. The draft sheet, which
his name is written on, is from the summer of 1809.
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Thorvaldsen's son Carlo dies in 1811 – only 5 years old. The draft sheet, which
his name is written on, is from the summer of 1809.
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Carlo Bartolomeo Alberto
Thorvaldsen's son was not mentioned publicly in Thorvaldsen's time because he was born out of wedlock. We don't know exactly what his name was or why he died.

Anna Maria Uhden
Anna Maria left her husband and children when she fell in love with Thorvaldsen.

From Caroline von Humboldt to Friederike Brun
In a letter, Caroline vents her concern for Thorvaldsen after his son's death and fears that he will leave Rome.

Go explore for yourself
Thorvaldsen's drawings of Cupid
Letters between Thorvaldsen and Anna Maria Uhden
Thorvaldsen's drawings of Cupid
Letters between Thorvaldsen and Anna Maria Uhden