Public Domain Photos
This photo is in the Public Domain and free of any copyright restrictions.
Feel free to:
• Share the images – i.e. to copy, distribute, and transmit them.
• Use the images in any context – e.g. teaching, research, lectures, publications, film productions, etc. This includes commercial purposes.
• Use the images in any context – e.g. teaching, research, lectures, publications, film productions, etc. This includes commercial purposes.
Give credit where credit is due - proper conduct when using Public Domain images
In order to allow others to see where the original works can be found, and where they can download the images themselves, we ask you to include a reference to Thorvaldsens Museum.
We recommend that you state the source of the image as follows:
Artist, title of the work, date (year), Thorvaldsens Museum,
Example: If you use an image of the artwork *Night* by Bertel Thorvaldsen, please state the source:
Bertel Thorvaldsen, *Night*, 1815, Thorvaldsens Museum,
We recommend that you state the source of the image as follows:
Artist, title of the work, date (year), Thorvaldsens Museum,
Example: If you use an image of the artwork *Night* by Bertel Thorvaldsen, please state the source:
Bertel Thorvaldsen, *Night*, 1815, Thorvaldsens Museum,
Preserve Public Domain marks and notices
We request all users of Public Domain works to never remove Public Domain marks or notices applied to the work, and to never state misleading information about the copyright status of the work.These guidelines are derived from The Europeana Usage Guidelines for public domain works. The guidelines are based on goodwill. They are not legally binding, but we urge you to please respect them.
We were inspired by
Our colleagues of the National Gallery (SMK) are frunt runners regarding Public Domain images in Denmark. The text above is partly inspired by their text at